My Angel

I antecedently took this photo, I had just finished taking photos and my memory card was full so I emptied it on the computer and this was the last photo taken and the one before that was all black. 10 minutes later, I received a phone call telling me that my boyfriend who was on his way over to my house was struck and killed on his streetbike. My desk where I was sitting was right next to this area.
I also atached the photo i took after wards of the same spot just to compare. Also the person in the pic on the wall is my aunt who sends me signs all the time. She died in 1999 and she was 29 years old the same age as my boyfriend. He was killed July 26 2007.
From Jessica
also in the top right corner there is a smoke ghost a peace sign and a heart i can also very clearly see his human face ..i miss him so much
Posted by
Anonymous |
Thu Sep 27, 01:38:00 AM
I love looking at different pictures with possible ghosts/ orbs. I have a website you can take a look at it's at I have some orb pictures as well as Area 51 pictures and some other things. Great Pictures!
Posted by
CouponFinder |
Sun Dec 16, 01:40:00 PM
so beautiful
Posted by
Anonymous |
Fri Sep 19, 06:18:00 PM